You are not alone

Performance by Kim Noble
c/o zeitraumexit: Theater der Welt
Thursday, 29th May | 8:00 PM Friday, 30th May | 9:00 PM (artist talk after the show) Admission: 15 € / 8 € (reduced price)

German version

Kim Noble stalks the cashier in his supermarket and tries to send him signals by buying condoms, tampons and pregnancy tests. He documents his neighbours’ sexual activities, answers a car park’s automatic text message and calls phone numbers that long-distance lorry drivers have scrawled on the walls of motorway service areas. In vain, he tries to build up meaningful relationships in situations that are simply not made for them. But Kim Noble doesn’t give up: instead, he gives more. In doing so, he invades the privacy of his fellow humans in every conceivable way – with provocations based on desperate loneliness. It is moving, but also terribly funny.

Mercilessly exposing himself and strangers, the enfant terrible of the British performance scene enacts these documentations of reaching out for contact.
“You Are Not Alone” is an heartbreakingly sad comedy and a commentary on surveillance and data protection. We are even forced to imagine the NSA lonely.

Ticketing: +49(0)621 - 1680150 or

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