A Talk


11. Februar P R E M I E R E
12. Februar (zeitraumexit)
13. Februar (zeitraumexit) 


Deutsche Version

Nederlandse Versie


On any given day, we talk and talk. Not merely in words, but also in melody, rhythm and movement. Sudermann&Söderberg share a fascination for all those aspects of language that cannot be found in a dictionary. The melody of a love story and the message a silence conveys. How words of doubt adopt a rhythm, and how the body moves when we share our secrets. Increasingly, this duo is convinced that we do not so much meet to converse, but to sing and dance with each other in an intriguing game; the composing of language.


Jolika Sudermann (1982, Germany) and Alma Söderberg (1983, Sweden) both studied at the AHK, Sudermann took the Mime programme and Söderberg the School voor Nieuwe Dansontwikkeling [School for New Dance Development]. In 2008, they started their cooperation with Freedom of Speech for the Over het IJ Festival in Amsterdam, with which they later toured European festivals.


Concept, choreography, text and performance: Jolika Sudermann and Alma Söderberg
Artistic advisor: Martin Nachbar and Igor Dobricic

Co-produced by FFT (Düsseldorf), hetveem theater production (Amsterdam)

With the kind support of Kulturamt der Stadt Mannheim, Landesverband Freie Theater Baden-Würrtemberg and Tanzfabrik (Berlin), 

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