Captcha Design Festival
2. - 15. September
2. - 6. September
Von 2. bis 15. September findet auch 2019 wieder das "Captcha Design Festival" statt. Die Workshops werden von 2. - 6. September bei uns beherbergt sein.
"Initiated in 2014, the CAPTCHA Design Festival will be taking place for the 6th time this September in Mannheim. The festival is organized by students of the University of Applied Sciences Mannheim. There will be four different workshops and a symposium about this year’s topic NOISE. The idea of this subject might be a bit blurry, maybe you immediately think of sounds or white noise, which is known from television. But there is so much more about this matter to be explored. We are looking forward to explore the different Perspectives and Creative Designs. We have some very interesting and reputable artists and designers from different countries which will hold workshops and take part at the symposium. The results of the participants of our workshops will be presented in a final one-week exhibition".